Our Lady and St Anne's Primary School Hall Street Hamilton  ML3 6RZ
Phone.   Fax.        01698 207491 Email.     office@ourladyand-st-annes-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk
Curriculum News
Primary 3 are showing great effort and hard work in all their tasks. Miss Hollywood is so proud of their enthusiastic approach to school life. We can't wait for the rest of the year
In Numeracy, Primary 3 love learning through games, songs and interactive games online. We have been learning to multiply using cubes, counters and pom poms. We are working hard to learn our 2,5 and 10 times table. Recently, we have been learning about dividing and enjoyed using skittles to share between groups of people. Next term, we will be learning about shape, time and money. 

In Literacy, we love teaching each other using our magnetic boards. We have been learning lots of new phonemes and tricky words. We have read lots of interesting Fiction and Non-Fiction texts. We are very enthusiastic readers and enjoy using the reading lights and phoneme phones to read our books. Next term, we will be looking at using commas and to expand our writing by writing a little more. Next term, we will keep expanding on our knowledge of Spanish and will learn about the colours, weather and months of the year. 

Our topic this term about Weather has been very interesting and we have been learning about the changing climate around the world. Winston the Bear visits our class and leaves us tasks to complete. We enjoy using the iPads to carry out research. Moreover, we love watching the STV Weather report with Sean Batty! Watch this space to find out about our next topic! 
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         Our Lady and St. Anne’s Primary School, Hamilton
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